Gods' Games We Play

Anime will be released soon!

We are thrilled to announce that the anime series "Gods' Games We Play" will be released on April 1, 2024!


Gods' Games We Play
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Giant God Titan (巨神タイタン, Kyoshin Taitan) is one of the few Gods introduced in Gods' Games We Play series.

He is the god who challenged Fay, Leshea, and the other Apostles in to his game, Divinitag.


The Giant God Titan is an imposing figure, resembling a massive stone golem. Its rough exterior and blank expression exude power and intimidation, striking fear into those who behold it. Despite its massive size, the Titan is agile and fluid in its movements, showcasing its immense power and grace.


Titan doesn't show much personality but he is just like most other gods who really like games.


Not much about Titant is revealed so far.
