Gods' Games We Play (神は遊戯に飢えている。, Kami wa Yugi ni Ueteiru) is an anime series based on the light novel of the same name written by Kei Sazane and illustrated by Toiro Tomose. The anime series is animated by Liden Films. The anime television series was scheduled to premiere on AT-X, TOKYO MX, and other anime television networks on April 1, 2024.
Humanity vs. Gods
Supreme fantasy strategic battle!
The bored gods created a cerebral game of thought called “Gods' Games.” Humans bestowed with divine blessings (Arise) from the gods are called Apostles, and those who win 10 times in “Gods' Games” can obtain immense blessings.
However, the complete conquerors are still zero.
Because the gods are capricious, unreasonable, and sometimes incomprehensible.
Just awakened from a long sleep, the former god girl, Lesh, declared first thing:
“Bring me the most skilled player of games in this era”
The one nominated was Fay, a boy deeply in love with games. He had accumulated three undefeated wins and was expected to be the “best rookie in recent years.”
Fay, along with Leshea, sets out to challenge “Gods' Games.”
The curtain on the ultimate strategic battle between Fay, Leshea, and the gods is now rising———!
Characters | Japanese VA |
Fay | Nobunaga Shimazaki |
Leoleshea | Akari Kitō |
Pearl | Hina Tachibana |
Nel | Kanna Nakamura |
Miranda | Ami Koshimizu |
Dax | Kent Itō |
Kelritch | Miku Itō |
- Opening Theme:
- 「NewGame」 by AliA
- Ending Theme:
- 「I'm GAME!」 by Hina Tachibana