The second volume of Gods' Game We Play light novel series, written by Sazane Kei and illustrated by Tomore Toiro. Published on May 25, 2021 and an official English translation of it was published on June 20, 2023.
The former goddess Leoleshea and the rising star Fay have been winning match after match and making a name for themselves but after recent events put them out of commission for a while, they decide to travel to another city for a change of pace! There, one thing leads to another, and Fay quickly finds himself in a battle of wits with the black-clad Dax! Luckily, he can rely on his partner...Pearl?! Filled with nothing but dread and concern, Fay prepares himself for the match of a lifetime!
現代に復活した元神レーシェに指名された少年フェイは、勢いのまま「神々の遊び」を連続攻略し、一躍世界最注目の存在へ名乗りを上げた。だが、彼らに刺激を受けた使徒(プレイヤー)の影響でしばらく自都市での活動ができなくなったフェイたちは、レーシェの不満解消も兼ねて別の都市への遠征に赴くことに。フェイを一方的にライバル視する黒衣の男ダークスが登場し、フェイたちは親善試合の場を借りた高度な心理戦に巻き込まれる。プライドを賭けた戦いに挑むフェイのパートナーは――なんとパール! 不安しかない戦いを前に、少女の意外性が爆発する!? そして待ち受ける次なる「神の遊戯」とは――?
- The Failure
- Chapter 1 - Player.1 The World Games Tour
- Chapter 2 - Player.2 Join My Team! / Let Me Join Your Team!
- Chapter 3 - Player.3 Pride Match
- Chapter 4 - Player.4 Too Devout to Drop Out
- Chapter 5 - Player.5 The Choice to Challange the Gods
- Chapter 6 - Player.6 Where Has the Sun Gone?
- Chapter 7 - Player.7 The Retiree Who Wouldn't Give Up
- The Bookmaker
To be added